Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Childcare Choices

Are you looking for support with childcare costs?
Getting financial help with your childcare costs is easier than you might think. ChildcareChoices brings together all the government childcare offers in one place for the first time, including two new schemes for working parents: Tax-Free Childcare and 30 hours free childcare.
Use the Childcare Calculator on  to see what offers are available to support you and your family. To find out more about the new and existing offers, and how they can help you, go to the Childcare Choices  website today.
Complete your application by December 14th to register for the Spring term
Make sure your details are up to date. Parents who are already receiving 30 free hours will need to reconfirm their eligibility code and inform school by 14th December in order to continue accessing their free hours: