Sports Premium
The Government provides extra funding for primary school sport, known as the ‘Sports Premium’. Funding is allocated directly to schools with primary aged pupils, providing a dedicated resource to improve PE and sport provision.
We aim to increase both participation and opportunities to take part in/try new sports.
Key achievements from last year's funding
- After school and lunchtime sports maintained, enabling engagement in regular physical activity.
- School has a good reputation for PE and Sport through competing in intra and inter school sports events.
- Using specialist coach to raise the quality of PE and enable teachers to up-skill through CPD.
- Competed in almost all available HPSSP events throughout the school year.
- Successfully trained and recruited pupils to be sports leaders and Harpur Heroes.
- Achieved Gold Award.
- Reached County Finals in three sports.
- Football team all England champions.
Sports Premium Statement 2023 - 2024