Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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We expect our children to behave to the highest standards in and out of the classroom as well as outside school and to support them, we strongly encourage excellent attitudes and behaviour for learning.

All our staff are responsible for creating a positive ethos by forming excellent relationships with children; helping them to feel safe, valued and supported and creating a place where children can learn and thrive.  We reward achievement, progress, effort, and thoughtful, kind behaviour.



We have a number of rewards in place to celebrate good behaviour. These include:

Golden Time

Usually during a Friday afternoon and will be a 30 minute ‘treat’ or activity agreed by the class.



Pupils belong to one of 4 ‘Houses’: Dragon, Eagle, Lion and Deer, which are inspired by local place names or have links to Derbyshire. House points are awarded daily for good behaviour, courtesy, great work etc.

Children can earn house points individually and earn badges – Bronze 250 points, Silver 500 points and Gold 1000 points, which are presented in our Good News Assembly.

Team points are calculated at the end of each week and announced in Good News Assemblies. There will be team activities throughout the year, such as a cross country, quiz, sports day etc.  

Classroom rewards

Each class will have their own reward system to celebrate good work and behaviour. These may be stickers, marbles in the jar, ClassDojo points etc.

ClassDojo is an online behaviour system that can be linked with parents.

 ClassDojo Login

Points are given in class for good behaviour and good work. Points are collected and treats are given when the targets are reached. This is currently being used by all the KS2 classes.


More Information and Behaviour Policy

For more information about behaviour, including our approaches to managing unacceptable behaviour when it occurs, refer to our policy below

 Behaviour Policy - September 2023