Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Year 3 home learning

Welcome to the Year 3 home learning area

This page has an overview of work to be completed in the event of a school closure i.e. snow day or a student being ill but well enough to complete some work.

This work reflects the same learning that the children in school will be completing. 

Wherever possible, we will reply to any questions or queries you may have about the work. We would also like to see what work children are doing, so please use Dojo or email to send photos, videos or documents.

We expect children to be completing the following daily activities:

  • reading for at least 20 minutes;
  • spelling shed or practising their spellings for 20 minutes;
  • TTRockstars for 20 minutes.



Suggested activities

A double page spread or A4 poster, of facts about our current learning in History, Geography or Science, a previous learning area, a subject of personal interest, or something current in the news. This can illustrated.

Write a book review of a book you have just read. Remember to include details about the book (title, author, illustrator, front cover), a short summary detailing what the book is about, what you do and don’t like about it; and whether you would recommend it to other readers. 

Watch CBBC Newsround daily. Discuss the news with your family. Write and draw your own report on something you have watched. Make your own ‘news’ video report. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/news/watch_newsround


Draw using pencil an object or objects that you have in your house – use bold and light lines, shading and blending to create an effective piece of art work.  Or use online tutorials:





Read your current reading book, and books you have at home or from the library.

Or access hundreds of books online at:


Use the username Harpur123 and password Harpur123. Select the Oxford Owl ebook library, scroll down the ‘levels’ tab to your child’s reading book bookband colour.


Other useful websites

Maths Games https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/5-7-years


Science https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z2pfb9q/year/zmyxxyc


History https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z82hsbk/year/zmyxxyc

Computing https://www.purplemash.com/sch/harpur-sk17




