Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Welcome to our school

A very warm welcome to Harpur Hill Primary School. 

The school motto,  'learning for life' embodies our vision for our whole school community and we aim to create a learning community where children: 

.  are aspirational;

enquire about the world;

.  celebrate diversity

We have good relationships with our families and wider community, working in partnership to ensure that

our children enjoy coming to school and engage well with their learning. 

If you would like to arrange a visit and wish to find out more about our school, please get in touch.   

We hope our school website is useful to you and that you enjoy finding out more about our wonderful school.




Mrs V Giliker  (Headteacher)


Upcoming Events

Science Week10Mar2025

Active Photo to take class photographs13Mar2025

Parents' Evening - details to follow19Mar2025

Year 4 - Ash class - Roman Buxton Walk - details to follow20Mar2025

Birch class to visit Jodrell Bank 28th March 202828Mar2025

Bikeability for Year 5 children - to be advised31Mar2025

'Easter Disco' details to follow from Team Harpur (PTFA)03Apr2025

Year 4 - Parent event from 3.10pm - details to follow03Apr2025

End of term, school closes at 3.30pm04Apr2025

New term22Apr2025

'Poling Day' station to be held at the school Nursery01May2025

End of term, school closes at 3.30pm23May2025

Staff INSET day02Jun2025

New term03Jun2025

Calendars page(s): School Diary >>