Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.


Our classes for 2024/25 are shown in the table below. They are also on the drop down sidebar.


Class Name Year Group/s Teacher

Bear Cubs - from 2 years old

Brilliant Bears - 3 & 4 years old

Nursery Mrs Dowland
Terrific Tigers Reception Ms Stanway
Perfect Parrot Reception Miss Wallace
Jolly Giraffes Year 1  Miss Marsh
Lovely Leopards Year 1 & 2 Mrs Conway
Marvellous Monkeys Year 2 Miss Gough
Rowan Year 3 Miss Carver
Ash Year 4 Ms Williamson & Mr Posnett
Birch Year 5

Mrs Clay

Elm Year 5 Mr White
Oak Year 6 Mrs Nuttall
Maple Year 6 Mr Kilgallon


Class Learning

By clicking on a class in the sidebar menu , you will find useful information about learning journeys, letters to parents and other supportive materials (e.g. national end of year expectations, SATS etc.)