Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Home learning

24 April 2020 (by Jane Sparkes (admin))

We have had a lot of photographs from families showing their home schooling subjects:-

children researching and painting in the style of JMW Turner; working on the farm checking the animals, camping in the garden, some great maths, making scrambled eggs, making bird feeders, a walk through the woods to Solomon’s Temple, a report on dolphins, life cycles, a letter, writing about Dr Barnardo, science experiments, working in the garden, spelling and researching landmarks around the world after doing a 300 piece jigsaw world map!  

One of our year 3 children wrote a letter in Morse code to Miss Carver and also wrote a report about Morse code.

Please look at our Facebook page to view all the photos we have received, the children have been very busy.