Harpur Hill Primary School & Nursery

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Home learning

1 May 2020 (by Jane Sparkes (admin))


Our children at home have been very busy studying.  Please look on our Facebook page to view what they have been up to:- making weather charts, different book reviews, Dr Barnardo report, making rainbows with Aqua Beads, flowery ice eggs - little flowers collected from the garden then put in empty egg shells and frozen, building a working piano, spring photography, knitting, cycling, designing a thank you card, rescuing Batman who had been imprisoned in ice, writing a poem inspired by listening to music and mind maps about the Mayans, artwork from natural materials, PE in the sunshine, a film review, ocean poems, a sea turtle story, Turner inspired art, English based on Mr Majeika, Greek pie chart, maths, making a word search to send to Nanna and Grandad. The Children have also been sewing, doing maths, weaving, a fantastic poster of a lifecycle of a turtle, a delicious omelette, painting inspired by Van Gogh, thank you letters to the NHS and other key workers.  The children have enjoyed finding out about Greek myths and facts, planting fruit/vegetables, writing letters, arts/crafts, a report about the Plague, rocket making, painted pictures, invented their own planet, made models of planets and even created their own space power point presentations!